
Compassion is the foundation of true love.

Compassion is the foundation of true love.

Compassion is the foundation of true love. It requires nothing of us except the understanding that we are all created the same. Everyone of us, our good and our bad, is shaped by the powerful imprints in our development as human beings. Our fears and aspirations, were all created through the foundation of our life experiences, and not something we had a choice of at the time.  

A great athlete might have an inherent physical ability, but it is the response stimuli in his or her environment, when developing, that formed that aspiration to become great, just as the powerful predator develops through the horrific fears created at a time in their life when there was no choice but to survive and the instinctive behavior to hunt and destroy becomes his or her way.  Yet buried within each person is something that drives and compels us to understand and see beyond those formative experiences into the truth of our essence. That truth is the foundation of our being, it is Light, and when we begin to use the power of understanding we can shatter the illusions of our separateness and grow into something that truly makes a difference to those they encounter in life.

Posted in Let's Talk Hypnosis

Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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