In The Midst of Turmoil Can We Understand God's Plan?

It takes a very advanced soul to comprehend and understand the Divine Plan when in the midst of the pain and anguish of some of life’s most harrowing events. Trust, we must, that there is a Plan, if we are to realize a greater understanding of our life and to grab hold of the wonder and joy that our life has to offer.


God is in all things, so in a manner of speaking God is behind all that is created. This does not mean God created your pain and suffering, but God did give you the tools to be like God, a creator, and it is the use of these tools without proper understanding and training that result in a chaotic world.


Remember to always start with self when attempting to comprehend events, what do these events mean to me, show me, and how did my vibration of old patterns attract the situation into my life. This is the beginning of going within and “knowing thy self” to “Know Thy Self”.


Everything is a result of the immutable laws of God that when worked with in balance brings harmony and beauty into our lives, when out of balance, corrections are necessary and we experience pain and suffering. This does not mean that you are consciously creating your own chaos and misery, but rest assured, you are unconsciously participating at a vibratory level in attracting in your life, the good and the bad. Becoming more conscious is the only way to make sustainable change that relieves us from our bouts of misery and suffering. When consciousness escapes you or you are unsure, place the Light of Christ around it and trust that all will work out for the highest and best of all involved.



May the Light, Love and Peace of God be with you all!


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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