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Did you know that Hypnosis for Weight loss & Stop smoking is tax deductible?  Contact your tax accountant for more details.

Learn about our Virtual Hypnotherapy Services.

Located in Weymouth, MA and serving the southern New England area including:

Providence, RI | Boston, MA | Cape Cod, MA | New England 

Serving Clients Nationally:

 New York City | San Diego
Chicago | San Francisco
 Los Angeles | Houston 
Phoenix | Philadelphia 
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Austin | Jacksonville 
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 Columbus | Charlotte
 Indianapolis | Seattle 
 Denver  | Oklahoma City
Nashville | El Paso 
 Washington, D.C. | Las Vegas

Hypnosis For Focused Concentration, ADD and ADHD

Hypnosis can help you focus, concentrate and be successful!

Call us now and we will show you how to stay focused and pay attention to life. 774-991-0574

  • Attention Disorders ~ ADD ADHD
  • Life’s distractions
  • Overwhelmed
  • Depressed
  • Anxiety
  • Learning Disability

We live in a world of information overload, hyper-focused activity and instant gratification, resulting in much of what most people would call the insanity of today’s life. Never have we had so much information available to us at one time. Nor have we had so many options and possible directions to take our life in. More and more children are being diagnosed with some form of attention deficit disorder and being popped on medication that will permit them to survive in this extremist environment they are forced to grow up in. No longer does our education system permit proper time and attention devoted to the individual’s needs. And God forbid you don’t fit into the mold, then, you require medication. Of course there are some children that are legitimately suffering with a disorder, but far too many are simply members of an over-prescribed society.

As adults, when life becomes overwhelming, rather than figure out how to slow it down and balance it out, we are forced to make decisions…the typical solutions “medicate to handle the crisis” or lose it all. Our PCP’s are handing out anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medicines at an alarmingly rapid rate. Doing all they have been trained to do to help the poor patient struggling with life. And, as is so often the case, these medications lead to other complications. What is a person to do? Sometimes life just seems all too much.

Don’t give up…hypnosis can help you regain your focus and concentration. Manage your stresses and gain proper perspective in life. The process is simple, straight forward and works.

Call us for a consultation. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. 774-991-0574

Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain?
Come and transform yourself here at The Transformational Hypnosis Center.
Achieve your goals and become all you desire to be through the trans-formative healing processes of hypnotherapy, spiritual transformation classes, spiritual counseling, coaching and metaphysical healing.

Aren't you tired of talking about it and thinking about it.

Make the call now and begin to transform your life today!
Call 774-991-0574 and ask for Rose.

© 2023 Thought Alchemy's Transformation Center