Know Thyself - Binah

How I adore this work we do. Deeper and deeper we go into our consciousness, understanding who and what we are. Each layer we lift shifts and corrects our perspective and helps us to reach understanding of our life experience…wisdom and illumination the result.


As a teacher of this Great Work, I have the honor and privilege of serving and assisting those on the journey of the soul to “Know Thyself”. For the most part I am aware of what is transpiring for the student and see the progress unfold as the Word that is processed through me enables a student or client to reach this new understanding so that the transmutation process unfolds. Occasionally, it occurs that a student or client is not ready to move further in their work…whether it is that they are ready for another teacher or that they need further life experience to prepare for their next level of awakening, does not matter all is part of the journey, for we are inextricably linked to one another.


Every soul on the planet is connected to one another in some shape or form, even if you never meet them in this life time, you are connected to this world we live, were born into it, because you are part of this global group mind, and you play a vital part in its evolution. Just as there is not a cell in your body that does not play a role in your overall wellbeing, there is not a person on this planet that does not play a role in this world’s overall wellbeing.


The key to how we interact with one another is the level of understanding we have of divine law, without a comprehension of the law, we spend our life misperceiving and it is our misperceptions that affect our awareness of God’s plan for this world. How often do we spend our time allowing minutes and hours to pass without full comprehension of the preciousness of what our consciousness perceives in each moment of time that passes? Are we aware of our role and impact on others? Are we obsessing and focusing on others and how they have impacted us or are we looking at ourselves and how we are interacting in this point of space and time? Without a true understanding of the Laws we evaluate the actions of others in the context of our limited beliefs and understanding gauged through the lens of group mind energy and the pressures and limitations of the thoughtforms that comprise them.


We must shake them and rise above the group mind and firmly attach ourselves to God recognizing that all is for our evolution. When we see our “self” projecting onto another and conversing with others for their opinions, we know that we are not functioning with the “Self”, but the “separative-self”. For the only place that answers are found is within. All else is distortion through the veils of the illusory mind of group consciousness.


Strive each day to be the best you can be and to elevate your consciousness. When you hear yourself sitting down to discuss another and what you think is right or wrong with them in an effort to elucidate a problem in your life, know you yourself are out of balance. Remember the world belongs to the silent ones. The Great Mother, Binah, is always watching and she understands the law in all its infinite wisdom.


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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