Manifest Your World

“You Are Your Thoughts” ~ “Manifest Your World”


As we approach the year 2012 and live through all the hype, real or not, it will no doubt create a certain amount of angst among us all. How can it not, as we watch the war in Iraq continue, the effects of global warming, new strains of the flu and antibiotic resistant strains of disease developing, our middle class being eroded, corruption in politics and greed in our corporate hierarchy. It’s a wonder we aren’t all having more melt downs. The energies in the universe are intensifying as the Age of Aquarius unfolds and we are feeling the impact of this increased energy more and more. While they say this new age won’t be fully present as the “New Golden Age of Mankind” until approximately 2600AD, we are and will surely continue to feel the effects as it evolves.

For those of us that are on the Path, it is clear that our own evolution is critical to the success of our planet and its ongoing existence. We often say to ourselves “Does it make a difference what we do…do I make a difference by what I do?” Well I am here to tell you that yes, yes you do! But it may not be in the way that you think.

Did you know that one fully evolved human being can alter the course of thousands of people’s lives and whole countries? I am talking about the adepts, the spiritual masters whose journey to this earthly plane is specifically for the purpose of helping humanity to evolve. While many of these masters live among us, they live private lives and are rarely known. I believe they know the latent powers that man possesses and the exponential impact that can occur when they bring along just one soul.

This is the core of the philosophy at Healing Through Spirit School and Center: that while we may not be fully evolved adepts, our aspiration to be and our desire to light the divine spark in a few can have such a positive impact on our time and space that it may very well make a difference in the evolution of humanity, and, save the world!


It is also the reason why our Esoteric Healing Program will educate healers in the teachings that are the foundations of this philosophy. The mantra that will echo repeatedly through our work: You Are Your Thoughts, and Manifest Our World.


You are 100% responsible for what your life is, no one else. I am talking about the good and the bad, the abuse, the depressions, disease, the bad luck, the good luck, the money, your health, the job, all of it. There is no escape hatch…no one else to blame. Why can I say this with such conviction? Because at the core of these powerful mantras, is Divine Law. You must understand these laws and apply them in order to change your life and impact this world in a positive way.

Why is it so important for humankind to understand these laws and how they will save the world? A very lofty claim I know, but one that I am dead serious about. These laws are at the core of all the world’s religions and great philosophies; and the only Truth you will find that maps from one to another is the reality of Divine Law. These are the immutable laws that God created. What is even more amazing is that the world of science has reached a point since the last century where it is finally catching up with what the esotericist has known for ages (literally): that man has created his/her own world and it has all occurred through the power of the Word, or more simply put, your thoughts. Study Quantum Physics, watch “What the Bleep” or “The Secret”, study The Teachings and you will get a glimpse of this. And the bottom line is, if we as humans could understand and follow Divine Law, then the world would be OK.

So what, you may say, about the 10 Commandments, the Golden Rule and all the other religious dogma and rhetoric? What has all this been about and what correlation to Divine Law do they have?

For many thousands of years, mankind has lived by two sets of laws. Most commonly known are the first set, the laws of the masses dictated by religious and political institutions, laws meant to guide the common man, who throughout this history of time has been mostly illiterate, as cultural citizens. Remember, up until the last 100 years or so, education was reserved for the elite, and the elite determined rules in a fashion that the common man could comprehend and apply. Sometimes these rules were good rules and guided society wisely and fairly, such as the 10 commandments and the Golden Rule; and others have been tools of control for those who unwisely used their power…a violation of Divine Law. And then there is the second set of laws, Divine law, understood and mostly taught by only those who were wise enough, compassionate enough and cautious enough, to be entrusted with it. These laws were understood and applied by some of the most famous people in history, but more often than not they were used by men and women (Masters and Adepts) who worked quietly behind the scenes for the betterment of mankind.

Now that the Age of Pisces is passing and the new Age of Aquarius has dawned, the means of educating the masses on a wide scale, through information technology, is available, making it possible for these Universal Laws and teachings that were reserved for the few, to now be disseminated to the masses to raise global consciousness.

So while the traditional teachings that we have all been raised with are not invalid, we want you to know that these deeper teachings that stand behind them are out there and we encourage you to explore them. For it is through these teachings that you will understand why the healing arts actually work, and you will discover how to take control of your life and to flow with the rhythm of the Universe instead of resisting it.


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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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