Do you understand what a profound being you are?

You are human. You are part of the greatest plan in history and your role is unique. You and only you can fulfill it. Does that not bring your mind to attention?


So what are you waiting for? Ahh, I know this grand scheme seems so illusive and vague, how could you possibly play an important role. But you do! Until every last person makes it through the evolutionary journey of the soul, we, yes all of us, cannot reunite with God and fulfill the cosmic plan. So every day that you sit and wait to start the journey or to pick up the reins and start again, is a delay for all of mankind. And, you are no different than any other human being on this planet. You may see the differences, but we are all individual pieces to the puzzle and when we come together it all makes perfect, beautiful, incredible sense.


Man has a special journey, and all the beings that exist know of this special plan that God has for man. We make up his heart and he awaits our return. It has been set in motion and all it takes is for you to say, I will do my part. Piece by piece and step by step, you must begin to clear out the debris of illusion and live in your heart in order for your role to be revealed and in order for you to fulfill your unique mission. The more time you waste the longer it takes for you to be freed from the pain and chaos of the world of Maya. Fear is your enemy and it falls like a deck of cards when you challenge it. It is your adversary. Yet, how many sit and wait for God to take action on their behalf to free them from their false prison.


All the tools are within you, nothing outside of you is needed. The pain, the disease, the confusion, none of it is real. What do you fear? Death! It is not real, we do not die, we go on. Fear is your only obstacle, let it go. There is no magic formula and no one can do the Work for you. No short cuts. Once you find your path, it will unfold and it will be amazing. Challenging, yes, at times, a perception of pain…of course…but when it is all said and done, none of the pain, chaos or suffering will be remembered…like a dream it will fade away and only the purity of Truth will remain.


I invite you to join me in the greatest journey ever traveled.

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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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