Freedom of Forgiveness


All the stresses and strains in our life are created by the health of our personality. The personality, or our ego, determines the way we view life. If we see life as difficult, then life becomes difficult. If we see life as beautiful, it becomes beautiful. I know these simple statements that I make so frequently, can at times be annoying, especially when life is sending you a blow. It does not mean that when you see life as beautiful, that there will never be pain or difficulties, but it does mean that when you appreciate the beauty of life and that all things are delivered to you based upon the health of your personality, that life will flow more gracefully for you.



A healthy personality is a prerequisite for anyone on the spiritual path. Understanding healthy boundaries and allowing others their space is critical. So many times we harbor resentments, jealousies and anger towards others, but the root of each of those feelings is some imbalance within you. The freedom we feel when we finally let go of those negative feelings is priceless, anyone who has done this, and hopefully you all know what I am referring to, understands what I am saying. That incredible feeling of heaviness within your heart lifts and there is a feeling of rebirth that comes when we let go. When we hang onto these unhealthy emotional feelings they weigh us down like a boat anchor and they prevent joy, happiness and love from permeating our life.



The question that begs to be answered is how do we avoid these feelings before they settle into our psyche and begin to cause serious damage? The inevitable reality is that it all boils down to how we communicate and express our feelings honestly, compassionately and in a timely fashion. Our fears prevent us from calmly and rationally discussing our conflicts, the longer we avoid it, the deeper the pain goes within us. How often have you been in this type of situation where your resentments and fear caused you to overreact to a situation and make it worse, all because you did not address an issue immediately upon arising. Yes, there must be timing and thought in how we broach a subject with another that is potentially conflicting, but honest truth, even if it is your truth and not the Truth, will only lead to a clearing of the fear and conflict that is brewing.



We are all taught that forgiveness is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others, without it love cannot grow. Yet how many truly forgive. You see, we must come to understanding in order for forgiveness to truly reign. Without understanding of how events were actually attracted into your life, you cannot gain wisdom from your life experience. The event remains lodged in lower consciousness waiting for a similar event to permit it to rear its ugly head and the reality that we have not truly forgiven. We must understand that we truly have responsibility for all events in our life and that until we start our critical analysis with ourselves, we will never get to understanding and wisdom. Illumination will elude us and fear will live in our hearts forever.



Be grateful for each negative occurrence in your life, for they bring you the opportunity to clear out the faulty debris of the lower consciousness and enable you to clear the path to living from the heart. Each person has a responsibility for their own actions, but only you can take responsibility for yours. Love is our goal and only love, from there all wealth grows. Sacrifice all else and your life will become beautiful. Your rewards and bounty will grow and multiply in infinite ways.



Have a joyous and blessed day!



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Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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