
Mistakes of the Heart

Mistakes of the Heart

Mistakes of the Heart!

Mistakes are just a fact of life. We all make them, no one has ever not made a mistake. And as Einstein said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Mistakes are what shapes us for our successes. Anyone who has failed and picked themselves up and tried again, and eventually achieves success, knows how gratifying it is to finally have victory. In fact, people take for granted their successes when they come too easily. Most of us understand this concept, even if we have difficulty embracing our mistakes as a positive.

The personality greatly shapes the way we handle our mistakes. Subconscious patterns deeply buried within the mind, fire off in response to the ways our past molds us. Believe it or not, a child’s frustration with not being able to do a task an adult directs them toward can greatly impact the way a mistake is handled on later on in life.

Even though we understand mistakes are bound to happen, a mistake of the heart can create the most painful of life lessons and can leave us with a variety of crippling feelings, from being emotionally blocked, depressed, angry, resentful, denial, sad, and more. We tend to categorize these mistakes differently from our common everyday life mistakes. And it is understandable why we would respond that way, because in reality these mistakes are dealing with the only things that truly matter in life, the affairs of the heart.

It is the mistakes of our heart, that allow us to tap into our true potential and make us greater than our limited personality permits us to be. Mistakes of the heart are our dark nights of the soul and they require soul searching and facing our infallibility. Everything from the most heinous crimes to the simplest infraction of the heart, is forgivable by the Divine. And yet, it is our own inability to forgive ourselves that blocks us from true greatness and keeps us harnessed to the darkness within us.

The key to learning from all mistakes is to understand why they happened, what brought them in, and how to prevent them from happening again. As all good cooks learn, don’t begin cooking a great meal without first making sure you have all the ingredients, fabulous recipes and right utensils to work with. This requires trial and error and experience to achieve mastery in the kitchen or any endeavor.

So why are lessons of the heart so much more difficult. Perhaps it is because we might have to look at ourselves honestly and truthfully, (perhaps we do not even know what that means). I have an expression in The Work we do here at Thought Alchemy, and it is that you must always “look at the hand” in every situation, if you are to truly understand the “why” of events in your life.

This is especially applicable to mistakes of the heart. Those of us who have been hurt by the hand of another, tend to project the blame onto the offender. And without a doubt they played a role, but rarely do we stop and try to understand what permitted this to happen. This is where it must start, if you are to free yourself. You must get underneath the events in your life, if you are to achieve any level of mastery.

We must also understand that forgiveness does not mean we get to go out and repeat the mistakes or allow the same despicable characters into our lives again and again. It means we understand at a higher level the why’s of our lives and therefore gain a knowledge and wisdom that will guide us to a place that permits us to live with the heart wide open. Truly the only way to live.

Dive into your pain, understand your heartache and free yourself so that life can be glorious again!

Have a beautiful day!

Posted in Let's Talk Hypnosis

Rose Siple, CHT, NLP Coach & Practioner and Spiritual Counselor and Teacher.

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